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Monday 10:30 - 12:00
Workshop 1: EMN Workshop - Career Development
Organisers: Justin van der Hooft (University of Glasgow, UK)
Career development is an often overlooked and unstructured aspect of a researcher’s working life yet its importance is paramount for all, none more so than those just starting out on their career. This workshop will focus on how to effectively communicate science using written language for successful journal publication and grant applications, how to establish scientific collaborations, career path options following a postdoc and how easy it is to move between academia and industry. The target audience for this session is focused on early-career scientists including students and postdoctoral fellows but will also be of interest to more experienced researchers working in metabolomics.
Workshop 2: Data Sharing and Standardisation
Organisers and Speakers: Reza Salek, Steffen Neumann, Philippe Rocca-Serra, Tim Ebbels,
Mark Viant, Saravanan Dayalan, Oliver Jones, Thomas Hankemeier, Juan Antonio Vizcaíno,
Andrew Jones, Masanori Arita
In this workshop, participants will be able to learn about the current status of the development of this worldwide network of databases, data standards initiatives - such as COSMOS (, the NIH Common Fund's Metabolomics Program, the Metabolite Standards Synthesis Core (MSSC) MassBank ( and MetabolomeXchange (; all of which aim to provide metabolomics researchers with high quality metabolite data standards. These initiatives also aim to build on the earlier developments and continue the work on standardisation of reporting requirements for data and metadata, and to establish best practices and workflows for metabolomics data capture, deposition, and dissemination.
Workshop 3: Metabolite Profiling in Population-Based Studies: Key Concepts, Pitfalls and Best Practices
Organiser: Krista A. Zanetti
The objectives of this workshop are to: 1) address fundamental epidemiological and biostatistical study design issues that must be considered for metabolomics research; 2) highlight key concepts, pitfalls and best practices for performing metabolomics profiling in large, population-based studies; and 3) discuss current efforts to build capacity and infrastructure to support these types of studies, including the recently established International COnsortium of METabolomics Studies (COMETS). COMETS leverages resources and metabolomics data from 25 prospective cohorts and three established consortia spanning the United States, Europe, Asia, and South America with cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes, and aging outcomes. Information on COMETS is available here:
Monday 13:30 - 15:00
Workshop 4: EMN - The importance of experimental design, data acquisition, and quality assurance in metabolomics
Organisers: Stacey Reinke (Karolinska Institutet) and Fidele Tugizimana (University of Johannesburg)
Metabolomics is a powerful and exponentially growing field of science, continuously attracting new researchers from different fields. This emerging ‘omics’ approach, being at the interface between biology, chemistry, statistics, and computer science requires multidisciplinary skill-sets. As such, metabolomics poses many challenges, which if not considered lead to erroneous data and poor experimental outcomes. A strong understanding of study design, sample preparation, analytical platforms and data analysis is essential for obtaining meaningful results in metabolomics. This workshop will provide education on the importance of experimental design, data acquisition, and quality assurance as well as solutions for commonly encountered problems.
Workshop 5: metaRbolomics: The R toolbox for Metabolomics
Organisers: Jan Stanstrup (Steno Diabetes Center, Denmark) and Steffen Neumann (Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Germany)
R is a statistical and graphical environment, for which almost 10,000 add-on packages have been developed to extend the functionality of the core language. These include more than a thousand packages for the life sciences and bioinformatics, and dozens of packages applicable to metabolomics data processing, analysis and visualisation. This workshop is aimed at Biologists, Bioinformaticians, and Chemists interested in high-throughput analysis. We highlight the tools available for metabolomics, how existing tools can be combined, and encourage participants to envision future developments and synergies.
Workshop Session 6: Computational Workflows and Workflow Engines
Organisers: Mark Viant, Ralf Weber, Warwick Dunn, Pablo Moreno, Reza Salek, Christoph Steinbeck and the PhenoMeNal consortium
Computational analysis of high-dimensional and high-volume metabolomics data is a complex, time-consuming process including many steps, some of which are still the focus of intense research. Workflow management environments applied in metabolomics and cross-omics analyses are therefore an essential requirement to allow standardisation of bioinformatics analysis, provide access to the metabolomics community, and produce high-quality, reproducible results in a time-effective manner. A few open-source workflows have recently been applied in different environments including Galaxy-M, Workflow4Metabolomics, MetaDB and MetaboAnalyst. This workshop will address, in talks and discussions, the growing need for the international metabolomics community to understand the current availability workflows and capabilities of these environments.