Plenary Speakers
The organizers of Metabolomics 2016 are pleased to announce the confirmed plenary speakers below. Additional speakers will be added as they are confirmed.
Professor Jeremy Nicholson, Imperial College London
Honorary Fellow of the Metabolomics Society
Metabolic profiling in system medicine
Opening Plenary Session
Monday, June 27 17:00
Professor Jeremy Nicholson obtained his BSc from Liverpool University (1977) and his PhD from London University (1980). After several academic appointments at London University (School of Pharmacy and Birkbeck College, London, 1981-1991) he was appointed Professor of Biological Chemistry (1992). In 1998 he moved to Imperial College London as Professor and Head of Biological Chemistry and subsequently Head of the Department of Biomolecular Medicine (2006) and Head of the Department of Surgery, Cancer and Interventional Medicine in 2009 where he runs a series of research programs in stratified medicine, molecular phenotyping and molecular systems biology. In 2012 Nicholson became the Director of world's first National Phenome Centre specialising in large-scale molecular phenotyping and he also directs the Imperial Biomedical Research Centre Stratified medicine program and Clinical Phenome Centre. Nicholson is the author of over 700 peer-reviewed scientific papers and many other articles/patents on the development and application of novel spectroscopic and chemometric approaches to the investigation of metabolic systems failure, metabolome-wide association studies and pharmaocometabonomics. Nicholson is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, The Royal College of Pathologists, The British Toxicological Society, The Royal Society of Biology and is a consultant to several pharmaceutical/healthcare companies. Nicholson's research has been recognised by several awards including: The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Silver (1992) and Gold (1997) Medals for Analytical Chemistry; the Chromatographic Society Jubilee Silver Medal (1994); the Pfizer Prize for Chemical and Medicinal Technology (2002); the RSC medal for Chemical Biology (2003); the RSC Interdisciplinary Prize (2008) the RSC Theophilus Redwood Lectureship (2008); the Pfizer Global Research Prize for Chemistry (2006); the NIH Stars in Cancer and Nutrition Distinguished Lecturer (2010), the Semelweiss-Budapest Prize for Biomedicine (2010), The Warren Lecturer, Vanderbilt University (2015).
Professor Luke O'Neill, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
The intersection between inflammation and metabolism
Plenary Session 2
Tuesday, June 28 8:50
Professor Luke O'Neill was appointed to the Chair of Biochemistry at Trinity College Dublin in 2008, where he leads the Inflammation Research Group. He has a PhD in Pharmacology from the University of London and carried out Post-Doctoral research at Cambridge U.K. on the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1 and innate immune signaling. His research is in the area of the molecular basis to inflammatory diseases. He has won numerous awards for his research, notably the Royal Irish Academy Medal for Biochemistry, The Irish Society for Immunology medal, the Royal Dublin Society/ Irish Times Boyle medal for Scientific Excellence, the Science Foundation Ireland Researcher of the Year Award and in 2014 the European Federation of Immunology Societies Medal. He was elected a member of EMBO in 2005. In 2014 he was named by Thompson Reuters as one of the world's most influential scientists, being in the top 1% in both Immunology and Pharmacology/Toxicology. He is a European Research Council Advanced Grant Holder and is co-founder and director of Opsona Therapeutics, a drug development company working in the area of Toll-like receptors.
Professor Ines Thiele, Luxemburg
Modelling of Human Metabolism
Plenary Session 3
Wednesday, June 29 8:50
Professor Dr. Ines Thiele studied technical biology at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, and biotechnology at the Ecole supérieure de biotechnologie de Strasbourg, France. In 2009, she earned her PhD in bioinformatics from the University of California, San Diego. In 2009, she joined the Center for Systems Biology at the University of Iceland, as an independent group leader and Assistant Professor. In 2013, she was appointed as Associate Professor for Systems Biomedicine at the University of Luxembourg and received the ATTRACT fellowship from the Fonds National de la Recherche (Luxembourg). In 2015, she was elected as EMBO Young Investigator. Her research aims to improve the understanding on how diet influences human health. Therefore, she uses a computational modeling approach, termed constraint-based modeling, which has gained increasing importance in systems biology. Her group builds comprehensive models of human cells and human-associated microbes; then employs them together with experimental data to investigate how nutrition and genetic predisposition can affect one's health. In particular, she is interested in applying her computational modeling approach for better understanding inherited and neurodegenerative diseases. She is author of numerous international scientific papers and reviewer for multiple journals and funding agencies.
Professor Tsutomu Masujima, Riken, Japan
Direct Metabolomics for Plant Single Cells
Plenary Session 4
Thursday, June 30 12:00
Professor Tsutomu Masujima is the Team Leader of the Single Cell Mass Spectrometry Team in the Quantitative Biology Center (QBiC), RIKEN, Japan. His research fields include Development of New Analytical Methods for Life Sciences and Medicine. More specifically he is active in the area of Live Single Cell Mass Spectrometry and Single Cell Medicine.
In 2008 he was awarded the Analytical Chemistry Award from The Japan Soc. of Analytical Chemistry. In 2014 he was awarded The Yamazaki-Teiichi Prize (in Measurement Science) and 2015 the Technology Award of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan. He has recekty publsied a Nature Protocols paper entitled "Direct Metabolomics for Plant Single Cells by Live Single Cell Mass Spectrometry".